We are all fully aware that new skills are a permanent necessity to adapt to changing times and all the most importantly technology. Today, even the most mundane job request to be at ease, at least with some kind of application or the internet. Clearly, it means that we all need from time to time to refresh memory about excel or perhaps to learn coding. But, with the rise of fossil fuels and costs of transportation in general, to find resources in addition to teaching fees is quite a challenge. So, the natural solution is to learn online. Some fields require certain expertise, and the experts are not always available anywhere they are needed. There are solutions, like at lewagon.com where solutions are available online and in classes.
Is it possible to find the synergy of teams when learning online?
More and more companies request their employees to be able to work and develop projects as teams. This implies to know how the work is distributed among the team members and to have social skills. It might be felt that online learning cancel an important aspect of employability by erasing the human relationship of employees as a team. Online learning is often represented as someone alone in front of a computer. This has evolved. Even before the pandemic, people worked together from a distance, even in one same country or region. To ask people to travel hours for just a two hours meeting is a long gone, controversial decision. The costs of travel are consisting of:
- costs of the mean of transport;
- costs of time lost in delays;
- costs of the tiredness created by spending time catching a plane or a train.
So, what is happening when people are learning new skills online? Firstly, if people feel ready to do so, they may already have built a strong experience in working online with different teams in their country and beyond. Since the pandemic, a lot of tools are developed to facilitate the exchange of documents, collaborative works and visio. This all enables teaching programmes to be all the more efficient and to develop the participation and tasks making of the learners. The development of teaching through workshops with several tasks to accomplish is tailored to online teaching as well. Consequently, the participants need to interact as they would in real professional context. It is a very positive way to learn new skills, to obtain private assessment, which is very valuable. Truly, a lot of people hate to be complimented or, on the contrary, criticized in front of everybody. Online courses allow people to separate in lounges as small teams and to discuss efficiently without being heard by the other teams learning as well. This avoids the embarrassment of having the feeling to be listened to. Furthermore, a greater performance in the learning tasks allows a better networking among the participants. This positive synergy will be profitable to every member of the team. Since team members will have experienced positive team building and networking, it will be possible to reproduce it once working as an employee.